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STCW - Radar Navigator (Management Level).

Captains, mates and marofs with watch authority for ships larger than 3,000 GT or passenger ships larger than 500 GT and sailing under SOLAS, must hold the Radar Navigator Management Level certificate.

To increase the content knowledge and skills in radar navigation in order to be able to use it more broadly and advanced during navigation.

Target Group
For those who already hold the Radar Navigator Operational Level certificate and require a broadening of knowledge and skills to meet the requirements under the Maritime Crew Act.

Prerequisite(s) for participation
The student must:

  • Hold the Radar Navigator Operational Level certificate (radar observer)
  • Have knowledge of the International Regulations for the Prevention of Collision at Sea
  • Have knowledge of nautical concepts

This course uses a radar simulator.

Course content

  • Plotting and working with ARPA
  • Critical use and limitations of radar installations
  • Marine collision prevention provisions.
  • Parallel-index navigation
  • Radar navigation in narrow fairways and low visibility
  • Radar combined with electronic marine charts

Upon successful completion of the course, the student will receive the certificate:

Radar Navigator Management Level – STCW reg. II/2, Section A-II/2, Table A-II/2


Course duration
5 days

Number of trainees
Minimum 4, maximum 8

Class times
08.30 – 17.00 (every day)

Course dates upon request: [email protected] or [email protected]