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STCW - Electronics Display (ECDIS) - Generic & Type-Specific TRANSAS
Captains, mates and maritime officers licensed to sail ships larger than 500 GT must hold an ECDIS (Electronic Chart Display and Information System) certificate. This course is about the ECDIS system in general and is not type related.
After obtaining the ECDIS (Electronic Chart Display and Information System) certificate, the trainee will have
- knowledge of the system
- Knowledge of how to properly apply and use the system safely
- learned to find all the information in the system and to take the necessary action in case of system malfunctioning
- learned to see the system as assisting navigation.
Target Audience
Intended for captains, mates and maritime officers to obtain sailing privileges in accordance with the Manila Amendments.
Eligibility Requirements
The student must:
- Hold a valid CoC according to STCW 95 or equivalent
- have completed the initial training period on board if students at the Naval Academy. Prerequisite(s) for participation Maritime school, minimum SMBW or nautical knowledge
- Be proficient in Dutch and/or English
Course content
- laws and regulations
- different types of electronic cards
- ECDIS data
- presentation/display of ECDIS data
- Basic Navigation functions and settings
- specific functions for route planning
- specific functions for route monitoring and map correction
- display and function of other navigation information
- errors in data on screen / interpretation errors
- status indications, indicators and alarms documentation
- monitoring integrity
- backup
- danger of over-reliance on ECDIS
After successful completion of the course, the student receives the certificate ECDIS according to:
- the relevant sections of tables A-II/1, A-II/2 and A-II/3 and Part B, Section B-I/12 par. 36 up to and including par.66; of the STCW Code, as amended, including the 2010 Manila Amendments;
- the relevant section of the Dutch Manning act, as amended, Recognition Regulation Maritime Crews Trainings, as amended and European Council Directive 2008/106/EC, as amended;
- IMO Model Course 1.27 – The Operational Use Of Electronic Chart Display And -Information Systems, 2012 Edition;
- Version 3, dated January 2014, of the NSI “Guideline Maritime Simulators” and Regulation I/12 of the Annex to STCW Convention, as amended, including the 2010 Manila Amendments;
Onbeperkt Cursusduur
Vijf aaneengesloten werkdagen Aantal cursisten
Minimaal 4, maximaal 10
Class times
08.30 – 17.00 (every day)