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First aid Orange Cross Repetition
At DRTC, we understand the importance of keeping first aid certification (Oranje Kruis) up to date. The first aid refresher course is specially designed to maintain the validity of the diploma and refresh your knowledge and skills.
The repeat first aid is designed for people who already have the first aid diploma (Oranje Kruis) and want to continue to maintain their knowledge and skills.
Course content
During the first aid refresher course, the following topics are covered:
- Five key points in administering first aid
- Knowledge of the human body
- Disorders of vital signs
- Local disorders and shock
- Situations and accidents that may lead to disturbances in vital signs and local disorders
- Special skills, minor injuries and bandaging
- Bandages and tools
Upon successful completion of the first aid refresher course, the student receives a renewed diploma as proof that he or she can responsibly administer first aid. This diploma guarantees the quality of the first aid provided and the competence of the first aider.
As a first aider, you are responsible for the quality of the first aid you provide. To maintain the validity of the diploma, you must maintain the acquired knowledge and skills and you will be assessed on your competencies. This occurs one day per calendar year. The diploma will expire after two years if you do not meet these requirements. The minimum requirement is one refresher day per calendar year.
Course duration
The repeat first aid course lasts 1 day.
Lesson times
Class times for the course are from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.