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DRTC is a maritime training institute with locations in Vlissingen, Groningen and Curaçao . Among other things, the company provides training according to STCW, Offshore/Nogepa and ISPS requirements. DRTC Groningen is located on the pontoon lying in the Finnish Harbour in Groningen.

On Shrimp Day, among other things, you can witness a liferaft and see it inside with your own eyes. There will also be a demonstration of the use of a life jacket survival suit in case one is forced to abandon ship at sea. To top it off, the raft will be launched and drowning people will be picked up. The KRNM will have the raft in tow.

In addition, information is provided regarding the new regulations regarding safety duties on board fishing vessels and their impact on the crew. With the entry into force on April 1, 2019 of the new Commercial and Sailing Seafarers Decree, all crew members must have a Basic Safety for Fishermen (BST-V) certificate. Some things have also changed in the area of medical certifications.

At DRTC, you can take the training courses that lead to obtaining the required certificates, so that you can once again fully meet the (legal) requirements that allow you to perform your profession. You can register for the above courses on site. You are welcome to visit our booth.

The Day of the Shrimp will be held on Saturday, May 11, 2019 simultaneously with KNRM’s Lifeboat Day. The day starts from 10 am and ends at 5 pm. With thirty thousand visitors, the Day of Shrimp is a top attraction in the Northern Netherlands.