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ISPS Designated Security Duties training (DSD).

Intended for all seafarers, other than the SSO, assigned to specific security duties must have completed the Proficiency in Designated Security Duties (DSD) course prior to sailing.

The course aims to provide knowledge to seafarers with designated security duties according to the ship security plan. The course provides relevant training for those assigned to perform security duties, including anti-piracy and armed robbery activities aboard a ship, to enhance the security and safety of the ship while in port or at sea.

The course concludes with a theory exam and practical assignment.

Course content
Report security incident, including piracy or armed threat or robbery;
Knowledge of procedures to follow if a security threat is detected;
Able to act in security related emergencies and knowledge of ship security plans.

Course duration
1.5 days, if already in possession of Proficiency in Security Awareness certificate a shortening of the course of 0.5 day can be obtained

Proficiency in Designated Security Duties, STCW reg. VI/6 section A-VI/6, Table A-VI/6-2.
